SACRIFICE top notch news

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Beitragvon big mouth » 26. Juli 2007, 22:15

Guitarist/vocalist Rob Urbinati of the reunited Canadian thrashers SACRIFICE has issued the following update:

"People have been asking for an update... It's coming along slowly like every other SACRIFICE album.

"We have been using 'Atrocity' as the tentative album title.

"We have about five songs done, lots of ideas. I want to compare it to something, but it is a continuation of SACRIFICE. Dont worry, it doesnt sound like a style of new is us. If anything, I, myself am looking at 'Forward To Termination' as the moodsetter. Listening to a lot of stuff that influenced us then...old METALLICA, SLAYER, MERCYFUL FATE, TROUBLE, EXODUS, D.R.I., DISCHARGE, RUSH, Di'Anno MAIDEN. One thing I think we are all on board with, is that the drums will be real. None of this sampled sound with all the mistakes fixed... it will sound human. I am totally sick of that production style. It's time to bring a human sound with feeling back.

Titles: 'Hiroshima', 'The Great Wall', 'Give Me Justice', 'Absolute Power Corrupts', and a bunch more tentative titles.

"Our writing credo right now is 'no fucking compromise.' No fucking around. Yes, there will be some melody like all SACRIFICE, but make no mistake, this will be a fucking punishing thrash album."
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon Prof » 26. Juli 2007, 23:25

Great news, especially the specifications for the style the album will be in. With that drum sound thing Rob has a point too.
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

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