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Beitragvon The Exhumator » 23. Mai 2008, 18:59

* 1 interview with this old band ... Only available in Spanish, add in English so they can read ....

Heyyyy Laurent!!! Snakepit Ruless!!!

I have the numbers 1-7 and the 14 to 16 .. is it possible to find that I do not have?

Sorry my bad English!!!

Interview ATTACKER

1-Arrgghhh!!! Is a great honor to have the band in our pages. It?s been many years and without doubts records like ?Battle At Helms Deep?
The Exhumator
BeitrÀge: 5
Registriert: 22. Mai 2008, 20:34

Beitragvon HMTerraAus » 3. Juni 2008, 10:25

It was a big suprise to read Bob Mitchell has departed again, they seemed so together at KIT. Real nice guy to talk too, we also talked about upcoming shows in the States etc So yes it was a big suprise.
BeitrÀge: 36
Registriert: 8. Mai 2008, 22:21
Wohnort: Australia / Deutschland

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