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Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Mai 2009, 03:42
von morpheus_ahrm
Eher der Kinderkrise ;-) - Scharlach bei meiner Kleinen und Junior meinte, wenn er schon nicht zu den Konzerten mitfahren darf, muss sich Papa mehr Zeit für ihn nehmen ;-)
Gianluca war noch ein paar Tage Gast bei mir und dann haben wir uns noch St. Vitus + Metallica gegeben. Anfangs war er meiner Tochter nicht geheuer mit seinem Bart, aber zum Anschied hat er sogar ein Küsschen bekommen !

Oliver/Keep-It-True hat geschrieben:Ich hab schon befürchtet du bist der Finanzkrise zum Opfer gefallen...Welcome back... :smile2:

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Mai 2009, 05:02
von militia
Germany - A Memorable Experience

It's been a week since our trip to Germany, and the experiences are still ringing through our minds. For MILITIA, this has been the ultimate highlight, a real dream come true. We already miss being there.

There is nothing quite like arriving to the site of Keep It True and seeing the largest assembly of true metal fans we've ever seen. It reminded us of the days of the Texas metal scene from the mid-80's. Honestly, some of us felt out of place, since we don't look as metal as we used to! But it didn't take long to feel right at home. Everybody we talked to was very nice and welcoming to us. It is still strange to be known by people so far away, especially since we're virtually unknown in our own hometown!

It was nice to relax on Friday, take in the environment and check out the other bands. We also had the opportunity to meet several of our myspace friends in person including Tobias, who was the winning bidder on the infamous Ebay auction of Phil's Sybling EP. His $3000 purchase is the catalyst that prompted us to reunite and ultimately landed us in Germany. We visited with friends from France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Mexico, Finland, Slovenia, Spain, Italy and probably a few others.

On Saturday, it was our turn to hit the stage. We were relaxed and ready. It was such a thrill to look out at the Keep It True crowd and finally play for the very fans that had kept MILITIA alive when we thought we had been forgotten. The time on stage went quickly and just like that, we were done. But it was such a blast and will be a memory we will never forget! There's no more fitting name for this event that KEEP IT TRUE. Nowhere else is there such a hunger for true metal!

On Sunday, we headed to Frankfurt with the guys from ASKA, where we had a show at Die Halle. We were not expecting much of a crowd, being the day after KIT. But people started showing up and before long, there was a good crowd. ASKA got things rolling with a powerful set of songs, including a request from the crowd for a song that wasn't planned. But being true pros, they pulled it off flawlessly. By the time we went on, the energy in that place was incredible. I don't know if it's the small atmosphere of Die Halle or what, but it was the most energetic performance we've had since reforming. And kudos to the sound man, who set up one of the best monitor mixes ever. The sound was KILLER! We could actually hear ourselves playing tight!! It was at this show that the first new MILITIA song in 23 years was unveiled, entitled "And The Gods Made War". We managed to pull it off without any noticeable issues. There was no time limit, and eventually, we played all our songs and we were done. Or so we thought! We had no more songs, so if we were going to do an encore, we'd have to play one a second time. Mike asked them what they wanted to hear, and they said "The Sybling". That one is an instrumental, so Mike announced that he had never seen MILITIA live, so he joined the crowd while we played.

This show was a very special surprise. It was set up by Wolfram Kuper, who is an old friend of the band. He visited Texas back in 1986 and experienced the Texas metal scene first hand. Wolfram contacted us a few months before our trip and offered to provide transportation from the airport to our hotel and to do some sightseeing. He made sure we were on time wherever we went. Plus the Die Halle show! MILITIA would like to say a big THANK YOU to Wolfram for everything. He went above and beyond for us, and we are very grateful and appreciative.

Germany is a beautiful country. The countryside is breathtaking, the villages are picturesque, and the cities are so CLEAN!!! And all the people are very friendly, even to us "English-speaking-only" types. There is such a contrast in the way people live and relate to one another compared to here in the USA. We found it to be quite refreshing. Americans tend to be quite proud of being Americans, but the citizens of Germany have much to be proud of.

Thank you to everyone who we came in contact with while in Germany. Each of you made this experience that much more memorable. We're already looking forward to our next visit, hopefully sooner than later!


Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Mai 2009, 07:01
von morpheus_ahrm
Helloo Robert,

thanks for your friendly words. Your show at the KIT was great - a real highlight of this great festival. Hope to hear more from Militia in the future - we don`t wanna wait another 20 years !


Underground Power

militia hat geschrieben:Germany - A Memorable Experience

It's been a week since our trip to Germany, and the experiences are still ringing through our minds. For MILITIA, this has been the ultimate highlight, a real dream come true. We already miss being there.

There is nothing quite like arriving to the site of Keep It True and seeing the largest assembly of true metal fans we've ever seen. It reminded us of the days of the Texas metal scene from the mid-80's. Honestly, some of us felt out of place, since we don't look as metal as we used to! But it didn't take long to feel right at home. Everybody we talked to was very nice and welcoming to us. It is still strange to be known by people so far away, especially since we're virtually unknown in our own hometown!

It was nice to relax on Friday, take in the environment and check out the other bands. We also had the opportunity to meet several of our myspace friends in person including Tobias, who was the winning bidder on the infamous Ebay auction of Phil's Sybling EP. His $3000 purchase is the catalyst that prompted us to reunite and ultimately landed us in Germany. We visited with friends from France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Mexico, Finland, Slovenia, Spain, Italy and probably a few others.

On Saturday, it was our turn to hit the stage. We were relaxed and ready. It was such a thrill to look out at the Keep It True crowd and finally play for the very fans that had kept MILITIA alive when we thought we had been forgotten. The time on stage went quickly and just like that, we were done. But it was such a blast and will be a memory we will never forget! There's no more fitting name for this event that KEEP IT TRUE. Nowhere else is there such a hunger for true metal!

On Sunday, we headed to Frankfurt with the guys from ASKA, where we had a show at Die Halle. We were not expecting much of a crowd, being the day after KIT. But people started showing up and before long, there was a good crowd. ASKA got things rolling with a powerful set of songs, including a request from the crowd for a song that wasn't planned. But being true pros, they pulled it off flawlessly. By the time we went on, the energy in that place was incredible. I don't know if it's the small atmosphere of Die Halle or what, but it was the most energetic performance we've had since reforming. And kudos to the sound man, who set up one of the best monitor mixes ever. The sound was KILLER! We could actually hear ourselves playing tight!! It was at this show that the first new MILITIA song in 23 years was unveiled, entitled "And The Gods Made War". We managed to pull it off without any noticeable issues. There was no time limit, and eventually, we played all our songs and we were done. Or so we thought! We had no more songs, so if we were going to do an encore, we'd have to play one a second time. Mike asked them what they wanted to hear, and they said "The Sybling". That one is an instrumental, so Mike announced that he had never seen MILITIA live, so he joined the crowd while we played.

This show was a very special surprise. It was set up by Wolfram Kuper, who is an old friend of the band. He visited Texas back in 1986 and experienced the Texas metal scene first hand. Wolfram contacted us a few months before our trip and offered to provide transportation from the airport to our hotel and to do some sightseeing. He made sure we were on time wherever we went. Plus the Die Halle show! MILITIA would like to say a big THANK YOU to Wolfram for everything. He went above and beyond for us, and we are very grateful and appreciative.

Germany is a beautiful country. The countryside is breathtaking, the villages are picturesque, and the cities are so CLEAN!!! And all the people are very friendly, even to us "English-speaking-only" types. There is such a contrast in the way people live and relate to one another compared to here in the USA. We found it to be quite refreshing. Americans tend to be quite proud of being Americans, but the citizens of Germany have much to be proud of.

Thank you to everyone who we came in contact with while in Germany. Each of you made this experience that much more memorable. We're already looking forward to our next visit, hopefully sooner than later!


Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Mai 2009, 15:04
von rapanzel
Hey Robert,
let's hope taht you guys will return as soon as possible.
And give us a new record :yeah: :yeah:

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Mai 2009, 21:09
von Pavlos
rapanzel hat geschrieben:Hey Robert,
let's hope taht you guys will return as soon as possible.
And give us a new record :yeah: :yeah:


Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 14. Mai 2009, 23:29
von Neudi
Trailer von der NWOBHM Show, von der es recht bald was auf STRIKE/ zu sehen gibt:

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 15. Mai 2009, 07:14
von disaster
Sagst du vorher nochmal Bescheid, wenn's das zu sehen gibt? Damit ich da dann auch auf jeden Fall dran denke :) Würde mich interessieren.

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 15. Mai 2009, 14:13
von militia
We definitely hope to return to Germany again very soon. And we can't afford to wait another 20 years, because we'll all be over 60 years old.

It was extra-special to be part of a tremendous edition of what is becoming a legendary festival. We are so impressed with the professionalism and smoothness of the Keep It True Festival. I can't figure out why we can't do something like this in the USA. Instead, we have unscrupulous promoters who make the bands pay to play. Or as in the case of a festival just last weekend that featured Helstar, the promoter skips town with all the money and abruptly cancels the festival. Oliver, please come to Texas and show us how it's done!!

Now that KIT is behind us, our main focus is writing new material for a new album. There's also the possibility of a special edition vinyl involving "The Sybling", but we haven't worked out all the details yet. We're about 30% along the way on creating the new songs, and I personally can't wait to unleash them! The best thing about Militia's rebirth is that we're doing it with our original members. Both guitarists (Jesse Villegas and Tony Smith) were such an important part of creating our sound, which would be impossible to duplicate without them. Their presence ensures that the new songs will be a natural progression from the old ones. We don't want to re-invent Militia! The only thing that will be different is the sound quality!

Talk to you later.

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 16. Mai 2009, 10:45
von rapanzel
militia hat geschrieben: There's also the possibility of a special edition vinyl involving "The Sybling", but we haven't worked out all the details yet.

DO IT!!!!!!! :yeah: :yeah:
Most of the copies will go to Germany anyways :-D

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 21. Mai 2009, 11:26
von Neudi
Review vom KIT ist im aktuellen Rock Hard! Ich bin zufrieden *grins*

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 26. Mai 2009, 13:43
von Oliver/Keep-It-True

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 26. Mai 2009, 13:52
von TeutonicSteel91
Bilder vom KIT die ich gemacht habe sind in der Bildersektion meines Myspace-Accounts zu sehen (sorry, bin it dem bearbeiten nur bis Lizzy Borden bisher gekommen, der Rest folgt im Laufe des Tages ;-)).
Schaut mal vorbei:

@ Robert:
Thank you very much for the Interview, I´ve already translated it to german and have layoutet it already, too.

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 14. Juli 2009, 08:24
von Oliver/Keep-It-True

Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 14. Juli 2009, 15:53
von Pavlos
Oliver/Keep-It-True hat geschrieben:


Re: KIT 12 - The Aftermath

BeitragVerfasst: 16. Juli 2009, 20:22
von Highman
Meine Faves wahren klar :
The Gates Of Slumber
Die NWOBHM Recken
und absolut Armored Saint