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Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 18. Mai 2009, 04:36
von Bozzltov
Hello, there! I will be traveling from New Jersey in the USA for KiT XIII. Could someone please tell me if Frankfurt is the closest airport, or is there a closer one?

Thank you for any response,
Will Bozarth

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 18. Mai 2009, 07:15
von Oliver/Keep-It-True
Yes, Frankfurt is perfect! But do not travel without a KIT ticket. Will be sold out.

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 18. Mai 2009, 13:51
von MightyTior
Stuttgart is also pretty close, maybe closer than Frankfurt.

But I don´t think there are flights between the USA and Stuttgart anymore, or maybe just one of the NY airports.

Good luck!

Where in NJ are you from?

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 20. Mai 2009, 02:21
von Bozzltov
Deptford. I'm about 10 miles south of Philadelphia. I plan on getting my KIT tickets from the Nuclear Blast German online shop on Friday.

This will be my first time traveling out of the States (other than Canada and Mexico, but they don't count), so I don't have a clue what to expect.

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 20. Mai 2009, 15:34
von MightyTior
Cool, I´m from suburban Philly myself.

What to expect? Well for starters don´t hang in the far left lane unless you are driving faster than everyone else. :tong2:

NOT every highway in Germany has an unlimited speed limit (despite what many Americans think) and you will get a ticket so mind the signs, which are yes, in kilometers. You might want to do a bit of calculating before.

You can drink just about everywhere, but not if you are driving (well, as long as you are not technically drunk you can have a beer and drive at the same time, but I wouldn´t risk it).

Otherwise, the area around Lauda is one of the prettiest in Germany, and has a great old world charm. When the weather is nice it´s fantastic. As for language, don´t stress, KIT is plenty international and English is widely spoken. You´ll have no problems there.


Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 20. Mai 2009, 17:27
von Sigi
MightyTior hat geschrieben: As for language, don´t stress, KIT is plenty international and English is widely spoken. You´ll have no problems there.

You can bet your ass on that!!! :yeah:
If we are drunk, we speak any language you want ... :lol: :lol:

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 21. Mai 2009, 11:42
von rapanzel
Sigi hat geschrieben:
MightyTior hat geschrieben: As for language, don´t stress, KIT is plenty international and English is widely spoken. You´ll have no problems there.

You can bet your ass on that!!! :yeah:
If we are drunk, we speak any language you want ... :lol: :lol:

Haha!! Well I've tried Japanese when I was drunk. Donb't think the guys had any clue :lol:

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 21. Mai 2009, 11:48
von rapanzel
MightyTior hat geschrieben:Otherwise, the area around Lauda is one of the prettiest in Germany, and has a great old world charm.

Ok, you haven't been in my area yet. Old castles everywhere, very old traditional typical German cities and landscapes like out of a fantasy movie!

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 21. Mai 2009, 12:26
von Forbidden Evil
rapanzel hat geschrieben:
MightyTior hat geschrieben:Otherwise, the area around Lauda is one of the prettiest in Germany, and has a great old world charm.

Ok, you haven't been in my area yet. Old castles everywhere, very old traditional typical German cities and landscapes like out of a fantasy movie!

pff, that's nothing compared to the niederrhein/ruhrpott area :-D

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 21. Mai 2009, 12:29
von rapanzel
Forbidden Evil hat geschrieben:
rapanzel hat geschrieben:
MightyTior hat geschrieben:Otherwise, the area around Lauda is one of the prettiest in Germany, and has a great old world charm.

Ok, you haven't been in my area yet. Old castles everywhere, very old traditional typical German cities and landscapes like out of a fantasy movie!

pff, that's nothing compared to the niederrhein/ruhrpott area :-D

Ok, the Niederrhein area is truly one of the most beautiful in Germany, without any doubt. BUT the lower Westerwald (Western Forest) Area where I live is also nice to visit :cool2:

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 21. Mai 2009, 18:06
von MightyTior
I said ONE of the nicest places in Germany! :lol:

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 24. Mai 2009, 16:44
von Bozzltov
I purchased my tickets and will be purchasing my flights very soon. All of your posts are making me even more excited. I play acoustic music, so I might take advantage of local coffee shops or bars... Anyone have any hints as to where I might be able to play?

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 2. Juni 2009, 16:09
von MetalHart
What nobody seems to have mentioned yet. Do not under any circumstances go to Frankfurt - Hahn. You need Frankfurt - Rhein-Main. From there it's only an hour to the festival. Frankfurt - Hahn, despite the name is near Koblenz and almost 200 miles / ~ 4 hours driving from the festival.

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 10. Juli 2009, 14:10
von Deathrasher
Offtopic but I'm getting a little desperate about the tickets because during the previous years there has always been guys selling tickets throughout the year until the festival but now there's no tickets at the KIT shop, Hellion, NB and even Ebay currently has no tickets available! If anyone is willing to sell some tickets let me know!

Re: Closest airport?

BeitragVerfasst: 11. Juli 2009, 17:41
von Thunar
Deathrasher hat geschrieben:Offtopic but I'm getting a little desperate about the tickets because during the previous years there has always been guys selling tickets throughout the year until the festival but now there's no tickets at the KIT shop, Hellion, NB and even Ebay currently has no tickets available! If anyone is willing to sell some tickets let me know!

Don't get upset .... it's quite a long time till the KIT Festival. I'm be sure that you will find a ticket !!
Get your eyes open, mostly you can find a ticket-seller for a fair price on this board. Good Luck!!!