OUTRAGE joins our roster!

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OUTRAGE joins our roster!

Beitragvon Jowita » 28. April 2011, 05:18

Our latest signing is also the oldest band on our roster. And definitely not for those who like their metal nice, melodic and with polished production. Formed in 1983 in Germany, OUTRAGE belonged to the first wave of black metal (even though black/thrash with some elements of doom and death metal would be a more accurate description of their style) - their 4 demos from the '80s were influenced by Hellhammer, Venom, Celtic Frost, Sodom and Possessed. Peers of the big 3 of the German thrash, they never "made it", instead dwelling in the underground, shrouded in obscurity, while their name was passed on by the word-of-mouth along with awfully recorded (and yet so great!) demo tapes (I happened to have one of them, "From Nightmares And Myths" from '86 since the late '80s and it's been one of the favourite demos in my collection). The band split in 1988... to return in 2004 and self-release 6 CDs. Now, back with the original vocalist Frank P. "The Voice Of Hell", they decided to re-record some of their early songs, going back to their roots.


Outrage 2011

Here's what Udo F., the founder, songwriter and guitarist of the band had to say about the start of our co-operation:
"It was on the 13th of December 2010, on the 283rd band rehearsal since our reunion in 2004, when we decided to call it quits and play our last concert on the 26th of February 2011. On the 5th of February 2011 I got an e-mail from Italy... Jowita was her name and she was writing to order all OUTRAGE stuff... What shall I say? She was also from a label, Metal On Metal Records... What started as a "fan-band" contact quickly developed into a "label-band" relationship. What a perfect timing, as we were planning to play our final show! What a great luck... it's incredible!"

It was a great timing indeed and I'm personally very happy I had finally contacted the band. After receiving the ordered CDs (the complete OUTRAGE discography) and marathon-like listening to them for days (and heavily overdosing on them ever since), we had no doubts we want this band on our roster.


Outrage 1985

We will release their new CD "Go To Hell" in October this year. Meanwhile, head on to the OUTRAGE page on our website to read the history of the band and, if you had never heard them, go to their MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/outragepforzheim to listen to several songs taken from their post-reformation CDs (some of them are however written still in the '80s).
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Registriert: 1. MĂ€rz 2011, 22:02
Wohnort: Italy

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