US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

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Moderator: Loomis

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon GordonOverkill » 14. April 2010, 18:24

Sounds really cool to me... the guitars are really Helstary! I will keep an eye open for the album!
US Metal-Kenner
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Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Lunatic_Asylum » 15. April 2010, 07:15

Rapanzel, we've received your friendship on Myspace, and I must say I really like what you say in your profile there. I already sent you a message on Myspace concerning some weird person, who, allegedly, is into '80s US Power Metal and Heavy Metal, but at heart, he's being mean to the bands
(Check out his blog where he violates the rights of Exciter and denigrates their reputation ... =490611435 ).
What's even worse, defending Exciter will only lead to much dirt spilt onto one's head and the blog person's thought that people around him are silly, and he's the wise guy.)

GordonOverkill, when I first came to the studio, I had much thoughts about Helstar and Attacker guitar sound in my mind, exemplifying two CDs, Burning Star and Battle At Helm's Deep, to our sound engineer, who liked the records much. However, I didn't let him copy those records :tong2: .
And I would like to thank you, for I am honored to be compared with them sound-wise!
By the way, Century Media (if I am right, I have to check it at home) has released two Helstar CDs recently: "Burning Star" and "Remnants of War". What is interesting about these CDs is that their contents are mixed up - "Burning Star" is actually "Remnants of War", and vice versa, albeit the box and the CD itself assures us otherwise! I was lucky to buy them both at the same time!

Loomis, I hope you don't mind that I've added Avian as a friend on Myspace - I am going to check their music as soon as I get home from work! Well, you had a Heavy Metal Fan Club party with the METAL band at least. Here, a Metal Festival is a bunch of Deathcore, Hardcore, Crossover, and Hard Rock bands. A "Rock City" club plays hip-hop and club music in a nearby city; recently, they've even stopped paying bands for coming to their club and playing - they just rip them off and get a lot of cash from the crowd who buy drinks at a high price. I'd say it's pure embezzlement.
BeitrÀge: 12
Registriert: 8. April 2010, 11:17
Wohnort: Siberia

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Loomis » 15. April 2010, 09:32

Lunatic_Asylum hat geschrieben:Loomis, I hope you don't mind that I've added Avian as a friend on Myspace - I am going to check their music as soon as I get home from work!

I am happy to be your myspace friend! Thanks for the request.
Sacred Metal-Legende
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Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Lunatic_Asylum » 23. April 2010, 06:29


Eric Stevens of "Metal Underground" published our interview on the 22nd of April.
Here's the direct link to the interview:

You can leave your feedback right on Eric's site with the interview if you wish.
BeitrÀge: 12
Registriert: 8. April 2010, 11:17
Wohnort: Siberia

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon morpheus_ahrm » 8. Mai 2010, 11:21

CD kommt ĂŒber Howie B. Label - Briton Rites ist auch heute eingetroffen
In the days of darkness...
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Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Lunatic_Asylum » 25. August 2010, 06:51

If you like the free tracks, please support Heavy Metal and buy the album! Thank you! You can order the CD here:

In the meantime, please check out our new demo song, "Alive Again", which is planned to be included on the second album, here:

Thank you in advance!
BeitrÀge: 12
Registriert: 8. April 2010, 11:17
Wohnort: Siberia

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon TOTÁLIS METÁL » 25. August 2010, 13:32

TWOS hat geschrieben:GefÀllt mir sehr gut! Album wird gekauft.

Very good stuff, guys! :yeah:

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Lunatic_Asylum » 26. August 2010, 07:32

Thank you very much, TOTÁLIS METÁL!
BeitrÀge: 12
Registriert: 8. April 2010, 11:17
Wohnort: Siberia

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Lunatic_Asylum » 26. August 2010, 07:51

BeitrÀge: 12
Registriert: 8. April 2010, 11:17
Wohnort: Siberia

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon iceman » 26. August 2010, 13:05

Lunatic_Asylum hat geschrieben:Bild

Von der Blacksword-Begeisterung hier anstecken lassen und soeben auch geordert :wink:
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Registriert: 7. April 2008, 10:05
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Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Pavlos » 3. Juni 2018, 21:45

Out of nowhere: Ein neues Lebenszeichen aus dem Hause Blacksword!!!! Bisher leider nur digital, dafĂŒr aber saustark!! Die The Sword Accurst (auch schon wieder acht Jahre her) hatte seiner Zeit zwar ein ziemlich grenzwertiges Cover, der Inhalt jedoch war cool. Ob (und in welcher Form) da jetzt noch mehr folgt, lĂ€sst sich nicht so leicht rausbekommen. Die Jungs haben (scheinbar) keine aktuelle WebprĂ€senz, aber ich meine vor ein, zwei Jahren gelesen zu haben, dass da ein Album auf Barbarian Wrath, die es ja nun leider nicht mehr gibt, angekĂŒndigt war. Egal, abwarten und Tee trinken....und den neuen Song genießen, den finde ich nĂ€mlich zeimlich geil.
Ambassador Of Love
BeitrÀge: 24818
Registriert: 20. MĂ€rz 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue

Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 3. Juni 2018, 22:20

Ha, super!!
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
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Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon rapanzel » 3. Juni 2018, 22:30

Sehr cool. Da wird sich doch wohl ein Label finden...
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
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Re: US Metal aus Sibirien: Blacksword

Beitragvon Pavlos » 18. Juni 2021, 22:42

Die neue Scheibe kommt Ende Juli via No Remorse Records. Am Start ist auch ein neuer SÀnger, der den Sound bzw. Stil der Band deutlich massenkompatibler klingen lÀsst. Ich mag The Sword Accurst immer noch sehr, aber das hier klingt "nur" ganz cool. Mal schauen....
Ambassador Of Love
BeitrÀge: 24818
Registriert: 20. MĂ€rz 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue


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