Arkeyn Steel Records

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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 4. September 2009, 18:49

It's strange that it seems I'm the only one who criticizes the cheap photoshop coverartworks from Arkeyn Steel.
But maybe it's just me...
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
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Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Oliver/Keep-It-True » 4. September 2009, 19:05

Where is the artwork?
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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 4. September 2009, 19:14

Oliver/Keep-It-True hat geschrieben:Where is the artwork?

Got a newslater yesterday from Steel Gallery.
Or just take a look on the various other releases before.... :)
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
Beiträge: 12510
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon rapanzel » 5. September 2009, 10:31

Michael@SacredMetal hat geschrieben:
Oliver/Keep-It-True hat geschrieben:Where is the artwork?

Got a newslater yesterday from Steel Gallery.
Or just take a look on the various other releases before.... :)

Me too, got an email from Steel gallery!!!
The CD's are awesome, but nearly all coverartworks suck, sorry :lol:
Very sad, that the original cover for COMMANDMENT wasn't used .mhmpf:
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Dezibel » 8. September 2009, 11:07

Yeah, the coverartwork is mainly trash. Cheap computer artwork that in a way ruins alot of these great quality releases (of course only in the looks-department, not the music which is always great). Sorry Kostas, but I think for the covers you should hire someone but I understand that in the end it's always a question of money and I'd rather have good music than nice covers. On the other hand, no one expects such great music behind these shitty sales a probably weakend by it too.
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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 8. September 2009, 17:58

Dezibel hat geschrieben:Yeah, the coverartwork is mainly trash. Cheap computer artwork that in a way ruins alot of these great quality releases (of course only in the looks-department, not the music which is always great). Sorry Kostas, but I think for the covers you should hire someone but I understand that in the end it's always a question of money and I'd rather have good music than nice covers. On the other hand, no one expects such great music behind these shitty sales a probably weakend by it too.

I would even prefer just the plain logos on the cover...
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
Beiträge: 12510
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon rapanzel » 8. September 2009, 20:19

Michael@SacredMetal hat geschrieben:
Dezibel hat geschrieben:Yeah, the coverartwork is mainly trash. Cheap computer artwork that in a way ruins alot of these great quality releases (of course only in the looks-department, not the music which is always great). Sorry Kostas, but I think for the covers you should hire someone but I understand that in the end it's always a question of money and I'd rather have good music than nice covers. On the other hand, no one expects such great music behind these shitty sales a probably weakend by it too.

I would even prefer just the plain logos on the cover...

Or, if poissible, the original Cover arts
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
Beiträge: 20907
Registriert: 9. April 2008, 11:07
Wohnort: Herborn

Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Stormspell_Records » 9. September 2009, 02:51

If there is a desire everything is possible - small labels can have good art, decent packaging, pay the band fair royalties, and still make it. It is all about determination and achieving one's personal goals I guess.
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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon rapanzel » 18. September 2009, 09:05

Any news concerning upcoming releases?
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
Beiträge: 20907
Registriert: 9. April 2008, 11:07
Wohnort: Herborn

Arkeyn Steel Records New releases!

Beitragvon Arkeyn Steel Records » 20. September 2009, 12:03

Hi friends/metalheads, A Shattered Dream already available and for future....

...First, we have Tramontane, which many of you will know from Doomed Planet’s 2002 release featuring their 89 demo in it’s entirety and choice cuts from the 1994 demo. Arkeyn Steel Records managed to get the rights for a 80’ min full length CD containing the 1989 demo and the complete 1994 demo plus 4 bonus tracks taken from various live shows and unreleased material. All will of course be digitally remastered and accompanied with the usual bio as well as a new cover.

The next new entry is Blackstorm who in the late 80s/early 90s recorded 3 demos real US power/speed metal jewels. Guitarist Robert S. Kolowitz was in Hellhound (US) and after Blackstorm disbanded formed Rapid Fire (US) who recently got a re-issue through Stormspell Recs. The three Blackstorm demos were 1989’s “Twist Of Fate” (Produced by Geoff Thorpe of Vicious Rumors), 1990’s “Tales From The Wishing Well” and 1994’s largely unknown “Lands Of Yesterday”. All three will be transferred from the original master tapes and get the full Arkeyn Steel treatment (i.e a digital remaster, unreleased pics and new covers). Stay tuned for upcoming surprise-releases!

Check for more info
Steel Gallery Records (Record Shop, Record Label, Distribution)
c/o Kostas Athanasoglou, Filikis Eterias 33, GR-54621 Thessaloniki, Greece
Web: e-mail:
Arkeyn Steel Records
Beiträge: 41
Registriert: 12. September 2009, 17:03

Re: Arkeyn Steel Records New releases!

Beitragvon Sgt. Kuntz » 20. September 2009, 18:30

Arkeyn Steel Records hat geschrieben:The next new entry is Blackstorm who in the late 80s/early 90s recorded 3 demos real US power/speed metal jewels.

Excellent choice and long overdue! That release should be a top priority for every one who's looking for some real quality US Power Metal!!
Muss rispettieren die andere Kollega!
Sgt. Kuntz
Leather Lucifer
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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon rapanzel » 21. September 2009, 14:55

Try to get TALISPHERE and/or LAST VISION BLACK, for me 2 of the best demos EVER!!! Not to forget the legendary KINGSBANE demo that als deserves a propper re-release
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
Beiträge: 20907
Registriert: 9. April 2008, 11:07
Wohnort: Herborn

Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Prof » 21. September 2009, 18:24

As much as I love most of the Arkeyn Steel releases, the El Cheapo Photoflop artwork is usually a disaster. Not to mention the horrible abuse of the English language in the band biographies/liner notes...
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Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Metallah » 21. September 2009, 18:43

All three will be transferred from the original master tapes and get the full Arkeyn Steel treatment (i.e a digital remaster, unreleased pics and new covers).

Obviously he didn't understand what this thread is about. Yes, the artworks are mostly horrible and usually there is no need to change the artwork, maybe a few corrections to make it fit to a cd tray.

However, the music is always great.


Re: Arkeyn Steel Records

Beitragvon Arkeyn Steel Records » 22. September 2009, 10:20

hi metalheads! thanx for your posts about arkeyn steel. i want inform u from 11 arkeyn releases 6 are with original covers (scarlet rayne, enchanter, dead calm) or made/choose from the bands (longings past/a shattered dream (made by jason-bass player). rest 5 releases never was released with cover or was black backgrounds with plain fonts for logo and bands want change them. i make artworx and cards many years and make about 2 months for each release, to can set all very very low quality pics from the bands to can make to looks good, of course for me is very simple to hold the old cover if its available but only if band agree!
for me first is music to can listen it better than old with remaster and after all rest! if u dont know me i am metal freak and when start this label i was at my mind to have at my collection all these great demos with better sound on cd and dont need listen them from old tapes!
i have received many many emails for the covers from fans who like them, ok here some not like them, sorry but we cant make happy all but try!
for the bios i know i dont know good english but all correct from usa/uk friends and final check from the bands never any write something bad for this, here is the first!
thanx again for support and posts
Steel Gallery Records (Record Shop, Record Label, Distribution)
c/o Kostas Athanasoglou, Filikis Eterias 33, GR-54621 Thessaloniki, Greece
Web: e-mail:
Arkeyn Steel Records
Beiträge: 41
Registriert: 12. September 2009, 17:03


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