New releases at HAMMER OF DOOM!

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Moderatoren: Markus(PureSteel), steel-prophet, Skullview

New releases at HAMMER OF DOOM!

Beitragvon Jowita » 20. November 2015, 07:21

Since it's very late, only a quick heads-up that we'll have new releases available at our stand at the Hammer of Doom fest. You can read the news on our website and check new songs from our Bandcamp and YouTube.

MORTALICUM "Eyes of the Demon" album details and pre-order.


ARKHAM WITCH "I Am Providence" album details and pre-order.


ARKHAM WITCH "Legions of the Deep Respawned" pre-order.


The new releases are available from our SHOP until August 31st, with 2 Euro discount.
if you order it before midnight of November 22nd, you can save also on the shipping cost, because we will send it from Germany.

Apart from that, we have just added 3 new items (not released by us) in limited quantities to the shop:

- ARKHAM WITCH "Weird Tales" EP (self-released by the band)


- DOOMSHINE "The End Is Worth Waiting For" T-shirt (for now available in all sizes)


- MELIAH RAGE "Warrior" LP (only 5 vinyls left!)

Zuletzt geÀndert von Jowita am 22. November 2015, 18:04, insgesamt 1-mal geÀndert.
BeitrÀge: 158
Registriert: 1. MĂ€rz 2011, 22:02
Wohnort: Italy

Re: New releases at HAMMER OF DOOM!

Beitragvon Jowita » 22. November 2015, 18:03

Tonight at midnight we're going to change the shipping rates from German back to Italian, so if you're planning to buy something from our shop, be quick!
All orders placed until midnight will be shipped tomorrow, so they should arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday.
BeitrÀge: 158
Registriert: 1. MĂ€rz 2011, 22:02
Wohnort: Italy

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